Landscape Painting Using Photoshop Default Brush

landscape painting with default brush
Did this quick landscape painting using default Photoshop brush. In my painting, I used 3 different default brush tips from Photoshop which are, Chalk, Round and Grass. It is possible to paint with just one type of brush tip, as I had seen some peoples did that.

Brush Settings

Chalk brush is use to paint the trees leaves and distance mountain.

painting with default brush
  • Shape Dynamics - Flip X/Y Jitter, Size Jitter, Angle Jitter, Roundness Jitter
  • Scattering
  • Color Dynamics - Hue, Saturation, Brightness. I don't use the purity option usually

Hard round brush is use to paint cumulus cloud. Chalk brush is use to erase and smudge the clouds.

painting with default brush
  • Shape Dynamics - Size Jitter, Roundness Jitter. Doesn't need to enable Rotation or Flip X/Y Jitter as the brush tip is a hard round shape. There are no difference if you flip or rotate a round shape
  • Scattering

The default photoshop grass brush are already good for painting. But I change a bit on it settings.

painting with default brush

  • Shape Dynamics - Flip X Jitter (No Flip Y Jitter as we don't want upside down grass), Size Jitter, Angle Jitter, Roundness Jitter
  • Scattering
  • Color Dynamics - Hue, Saturation, Brightness. I disable the Background/Foreground Jitter, but it can be usefull if you choose 2 shades of green for it and control via pen pressure.

Color Blending

For color blending, I usually enable "Other Dynamics" (CS4) / "Transfer" (CC) for brush settings. If you combine this option with "Wet Edges", it will give your brush a watercolor feel.

painting with default brush

More Customise

Using the same brush settings above, you can change the brush tip with your own custom shape. For example, change the brush tip to leaves pattern and you will have your own custom leaves brush. Changes the long grass pattern to a wheat pattern, and you will have wheat brush.

painting with default brush


Below is the quick timelapse video of landscape painting using default photoshop brush.


This is the final artwork which I have upload both in my pixiv and deviantart.

anime raining scene


DeviantArt Default Brush Landscape Painting
Pixiv Default Brush Landscape Painting
Youtube Landscape Painting Using Default Photoshop Brush


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