I Miss You Animation

Most animation start with an idea, which will then be further develop in storyboard and animatic. For me, most of my random short animation start with a piece of music. In this case, I found this lovely music in youtube audio library which give me an idea to make this simple animation.
The whole animation is done under 24 hours. Drawings are done with medibang paint pro and frame by frame animate using firealpaca onion skin mode. Compositing are done using After Effects.
Art Style
Originally, I was planning to do this animation with Blender3D, but it seem like it is going take a while to models all the props and set up the render. So I just use the 3D render as a guide for tracing background art in doodle style.
Characters are draw and animate frame by frame using Fire Alpaca onion skin mode.
Scribble Font
In part of the animation, the boy will be using instant messaging app on his phone. I am using a scribble font for this part so I don't have to think about what message he is sending and receiving.

I have upload the animation in both my Youtube and Vimeo channel.Reference
Vimeo I Miss YouYoutube I Miss You
Deviantart I Miss You GIF
Pixiv I Miss You Ugoira
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